Body Signs of Potassium Deficiency

pples are rich in potassium & Enzymes, there is a familiar saying to millions “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”. Apple contains enzymes, boron, iron, minerals, pectin-soluble filber and good source of potassium, which is to the soft body tissues as calcium is to the bones and harder tissues.

Apples are delicious fruits that most people enjoy eating but it is more than something good to eat. Potassium is the key mineral in the constellation of minerals; it’s so important to every living thing that without it there would be no life. Most humans are potassium deficient and it reflects in their cell tissues and throughout their entire body.

Following are some of the signs of potassium deficiency that can be noticed easily

Bone & muscle aches and pains, especially lower back

The body feels heavy, tired and it’s an effort to move.

Shooting pains when straightening up after leaning over.

Dizziness upon straightening up after leaning over.

Morning dull headaches upon arising and stressed.

Dull, faded looking hair that lacks sheen and luster.

The scalp is itchy and dry. Dandruff, premature hair thinning or balding may occur.

The hair is unmanageable, mats, often looks straw-like, and is sometimes extremely dry and other times oily.

The eyes itch, feel sore and uncomfortable and appear bloodshot and watery. Also, eyelids may be granulated with white matter.

The eyes tire easily and will not focus as they should.

You tire physically and mentally with the slightest effort.

Loss of mental alertness and onset of confusion, making decisions difficult. The memory fails, making you forget familiar names and places you should easily remember.

You become easily irritable and impatient with family, friends and loved ones and even with your business and social acquaintances.

You feel nervous, depressed, in a mental fog, and have difficulty getting things done due to mental and physical fatigue. Even the slightest effort can leave you exhausted, upset and trembling.

At times, your hands and feet get chilled, even in warm water which is a sign of potassium deficiency.

Potassium deficiency is a proven contribution cause of many illnesses, including – Arthritis, Kidney stones, atrial fibrillation, adrenal insufficiency, celiac disease, high blood pressure, coronary artery disease, ulcerative colitis, hypothyroidism, irritable bowl syndrome, alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis, lupus, atherosclerosis, diabetes and stroke.

Bragg Organic Apple Cider Vinegar is one such premium product made of Organic Fresh ingredients (apples) and best practises capable of bringing relief by providing natural way of potassium and other ingredients.

Bragg Organic Apple Cider Vinegar that is RAW – UNFILTERED and is well know as “WITH THE MOTHER”. It is highly recommended to have Bragg Organic Apple Cider Vinegar to be consumed and kept at home as a home remedy & organic living.

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