Miracle of Fasting

Miracle of Fasting

Fasting Helps You Enjoy a Super-Charged, Healthy, Happy Long Life

Every thinking person must at one time or another say to himself, "Am I getting the most out of life?" The great comedian, Ed Wynn said, "Without your health, riches, possessions and fame are all mud." What is a man without health, even when endowed with riches and fame? Riches cannot buy health and happiness. Just because a person has achieved fame, it does not guarantee that he is healthy and happy!
I do not discredit success and riches! I think money and possessions have a place in our lives. Physical comforts and luxuries are important to most people. Take away a man's wealth and give him only health and his first desire will be the return of his riches.
But with both achieved, a word remains which we hate to utter; a thought we dread to contemplate; a thing which gives sorrow, pain and grief. That word, that thought, that thing, is death! Even in cases where life appears a burden, how tenaciously does man cling to it! How the spirit recoils from a struggle with death! How fondly it retains its grasp on life! Man's great desire is for health and long life on earth; "Man clings to the world as his home, and would want to live here forever, if he had health and long-lasting youthfulness."
Note: My father and I wrote this book together. However, because my father is both my mentor and the American Pioneer of fasting, with long years of experience overseeing the fasting of thousands of students with miraculous results, this text is mostly presented in his voice.
– Patricia Bragg
"Yet even now," says the Lord, "return to me with all your heart, with fasting." – Joel 2:12
Fasting—The Key to Internal Purification
Remember that all those inorganic chemicals must be passed out of your body or they can cause great damage. If the body's Vital Force drops too low then it can't force these inorganic chemicals through your eliminative systems. Then they remain in the body and can cause grave health damage in the future!
If we are to get these poisons out of our bodies we must fast. By fasting we give our bodies a physiological rest. This rest builds Vital Force. The more Vital Force we have, the more toxins are going to be eliminated from the body to help keep it clean, pure and healthy.
Fasting is a Miracle—I Thank Paul Bragg
I really haven't had any health problems since I was 17, when I started reading about health and nutrition, especially the Bragg Miracle of Fasting book. I started realizing there was a real connection between what you put in your mouth and your health and how you felt. So I immediately changed everything about my diet. I stopped eating refined white flour and sugar products, most dairy products and anything that was not a whole grain or whole food. What was left was a lot of healthy things: organic vegetables, fruits, legumes, seeds, nuts, etc. After years of asthma, within a month I could breath almost normally for the first time in my life. Fasting is a miracle and I thank Paul Bragg!
– Paul Wenner, Creator of Gardenburger, Author of Garden Cuisine
Fasting Aids in Flushing Deadly Poisons from the Body
When we fast (stop eating), all the Vital Force that was being used to convert food into energy is now being used to flush poisons from the body! When Patricia and I travel throughout America and the world lecturing, we are fortunate to know health-minded people everywhere. We are usually well-supplied with organically homegrown fruits and vegetables from their health gardens. But sometimes only commercially grown foods are available, which may have been sprayed with poisonous pesticides. But, we fast faithfully to cleanse toxins out, even when traveling, one 24 hour fast weekly.
Who's Eating Fast Foods? Americans—30 Billion Times a Year!
USA Today said 44% of junk food eaters are 35 years or older. Only 23% are youth under 17 years old. These are shocking food facts that are causing health problems.
Most people think they can attempt to break all of Mother Nature's good and just laws of Healthful Living. How very wrong they are. You can never break a natural law – it will break you! Many think they can break all of the natural laws of health – then run to a doctor to circumvent these natural laws by having a medical "miracle" fix-all bandage for their misery.
Chapter 2
What is the Most Significant Discovery of this Modern Age?
The finding of Dinosaur eggs on the plains of Mongolia, which scientists assert were laid some 120,000,000 years ago?
The unearthing of ancient tombs and cities, with their confirmations of the Scriptural stories, and their matchless specimens of bygone civilizations?
The radioactive time clock by which Professor Lane of Tufts University estimates the age of the earth as 1,250,000,000 years?
Jet airplanes? Space travel? Lasers? Television? Radio? Computers? Telephones? Cell phones? Automobiles?
None of the above when compared with fasting...The Greatest Discovery of Modern Times
In our opinion, the greatest discovery by modern man is the method to rejuvenate himself physically, mentally and spiritually by fasting. Man can create a quality of agelessness and with fasting, can prevent premature ageing and a premature death!
The dread of "growing old" and becoming a burden to himself and others is one of man's greatest fears. The fear of becoming sick, senile, helpless and unable to care for one's self is rooted deep in every thinking person's mind. With the complete knowledge of fasting and The Bragg Healthy Lifestyle, as outlined in this book, you can banish all your fears of premature ageing! With a 24 hour complete water fast weekly – setting aside 52 days and four 7 to 10 day fasts a year for body purification –you can keep the toxins removed and flush the rust and crystals from your moveable joints and muscles. You must bear in mind that it is the toxic debris and wastes of metabolism (from the biological process of converting food into living matter and the matter into energy) that bring on many physical ailments and premature ageing.
Fasting Conserves Energy—Your Vital Force
Let me explain. We eat food and as it passes through the body, it must be masticated, digested, assimilated and then the waste is eliminated. We have four great organs of elimination: the bowels, the kidneys, the lungs, and the skin. In order for these eliminative organs to work perfectly, the body must build a high Vital Force of body energy reserves.
It takes a tremendous amount of Vital Force to pass a large meal through the gastrointestinal tract and also eliminate the waste via the 30 foot tube that runs from the mouth to the rectum. It takes the great power of Vital Force to pass liquids through the 2 million filters of the human kidneys. It takes Vital Force for the chemical power of the liver and the gallbladder to do their work in preparing food for the billions of body cells. It takes great Vital Force for the lungs to deeply inhale up to 2 quarts of oxygen with each breath, to purify the entire bloodstream in your body and expel the toxins and the carbon dioxide. It takes great Vital Force for the skin (often called your third kidney) with its 96 million pores, to throw off body toxins in the form of skin rashes, pimples, sweat and foul body odors.
The Miracles Are Within You
The human being craves sudden miracles. Not fully aware of the actual achievements of natural nutrition, exercise and fasting – which are in themselves miraculous – he searches in the realm of the unknown for manifestations that he cannot understand. Simply obeying Mother Nature's great laws is too simple a procedure to follow! People full of miseries and premature ageing want a quick, easy way to find health and youthfulness. Just remember: You must earn your health! You cannot buy it. No one can give it to you. I have boundless energy, great power, wonderful strength and radiant, vibrant health because I have studied with respect Mother Nature and God's Natural Laws and followed them faithfully! These healthy, natural nutritional laws, the Laws of Self-Purification – fasting, keeping the circulation healthy, free-flowing and the skin and muscle tone active by exercise – lead to agelessness.
Do You Have Harmful Habits to Overcome?
Do you eat salt and salty foods? Do you drink coffee? Use tobacco? Alcohol? Use refined white sugar or eat products with this devitalized material in it? What devitaminized and demineralized foods are dragging you down and enervating you? Is your willpower weak or strong? Who is the boss of your body? Your bad habits? Or does your mind control your appetites? Remember that flesh is dumb and can't think for you. Only with positive thinking can you overcome the bad habits that your flesh might crave. If you really crave glorious health, unbelievable strength, tremendous vital force and a trim and fit body you will be proud of, start working with Mother Nature today and not against her!
Fasting – the Key to Super Energy
Fasting is the key which unlocks Mother Nature's storehouse of energy. It reaches every cell in the body, the inner organs and generates the Life Forces. No one can do it for you! It's a personal duty that only you can perform. No one can eat for you. And I believe that 99% of all human suffering is caused by wrong and unnatural eating. The efficiency of any machine depends upon the quality and amount of fuel for generating power it is given. And that goes double for the human machine!
Some people will blame everything on earth except food as the cause of their physical miseries and premature ageing. Why they are suffering is always a mystery to them. The average person does not know how horribly unclean the inside of their body is, caused by years and years of overeating, eating when not really hungry and, in many cases, wrong-minded eating of dead, devitalized foods. All these unhealthy habits build up internal poisons and clogging toxic wastes in their bodies.
Put the person who brags that he "enjoys perfect health" on a complete distilled water fast for 5 or 6 days. His breath will become putrid and his tongue will have a foul-smelling, white coating. His urine will become dark and evil-smelling. This definitely proves that his whole body is filled up with decayed and uneliminated toxic materials brought in by eating the wrong foods.
Fasting –A Natural Instinct and Great Purifier
Sickness is Mother Nature's way of showing you that you are filled with toxic wastes and internal poison. Dead people don't have colds. It is only when you are alive and have Vital Force that you have physical problems. By fasting, you are working with Mother Nature to help expel the wastes and poisons you have accumulated in your body. Every animal in the wilderness knows fasting, for it's the only method animals use to help overcome any physical trouble that befalls them. This is pure animal instinct. We humans have lived so long in this soft civilization that we have lost this natural instinct to fast when health problems occur in our bodies.
Fasting clears away the thousand little things which quickly accumulate and clutter the body, mind and heart. It cuts through corrosion and renews our contract with God and Mother Earth.
"Do you want to live a longer, happier, healthier life and save hundreds of dollars annually? The Bragg Healthy Lifestyle with water fasting one day a week not only provides life extension values, but an extra big savings of 15% off your annual food bill."
– Patricia Bragg
Raw, Organic Fruits and Vegetables Are Mother Nature's Miracle Cleansers
When you get a bad reaction from certain raw fruits and vegetables, remember that these are cleansing and purifying foods. Use a small amount until you can reduce your body's toxic poisons. Your weekly 24 hour fast is going to get rid of a lot of your body wastes. If you have the intestinal strength to fast for 3 to 7 days, most troubles from cleansing foods disagreeing with you will be over. What are the acid-forming foods? Chiefly sugar, its products and coffee, tea, alcohol, meats and fish.
"Bad, unhealthy cooking diminishes happiness and shortens life." – Wisdom of Ages
Fasting is as Old as Man
Because the infallible intelligence of a living organism withdraws the sensation of hunger when there is an excess of food or when the body has been wounded, the desire to fast begins when either of these happen.
We read in ancient history that fasting has been practiced since time immemorial by the religious people of the East and by most ancient civilizations. They practiced fasting not only for the recovery of health and preservation of youth, but for spiritual illumination as well. Accordingly, we see the great philosopher, Pythagoras, requiring his disciples to undertake a fast of 40 days before they could be initiated into the mysteries of his philosophical teachings. He claimed that only through a 40 day fast could the minds of his disciples by sufficiently purified and clarified to understand the profound teachings of the mysteries of life.
As it was in the old days, fasting will not only purify the body and help restore it to well-being, but has a great effect on the mental and spiritual parts of man.
In my personal life, fasting helped me develop a keen extrasensory perception. I can find solutions for many problems that once caused me many hours of anxiety and nerve-exhausting worrying. My fasting program has created an inner peaceful tranquillity of mind. I feel more serene and at peace with myself and the world because of my continued fasting program. As you purify your body and mind, you seem to come closer to a power higher than yourself! This inner strength and inner power, makes you a positive-thinking person.
"You are encircled by the arms of the mystery of God. "
– Hildegard of Bingen
Fasting – The Safe, Perfect Cleanser
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Tags: Bragg, Bragg Miracle of Fasting, Bragg Build Strong Healthy Feet, Ageless Feet, Banish Aches, Feet Healthy, Powerful Nerve Force, Bragg Healthy Lifestyle, Body Purification, Toxicless Diet, Healing System, Healthy Body,

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