Tag Archives: Sunwarrior

Sunwarrior Immune Shield – Boost your Immune System

Boost your immune System with Sunwarrior Immune Shield

The global flu epidemic of 1918 was one of the most devastating infectious outbreaks in world history – more virulent even than the Black Death in the 14th century – killing 50 million people worldwide. No country escaped its onslaught, except one: India! In India, the Ayurvedic Medical Doctors used an amazing herb called Andrographis paniculata which stopped the spread of the deadly flu virus dead in its tracks. Continue reading

The Power of Raw Vegan Protein

Sunwarrior – The Power of Raw Vegan Protein

(An excerpt from Natural Muscle July ’09 Issue)

Natural Muscle (NM) – We have been haring a lot about Sunwarrior Protein lately and decided to contact Nick Stern Natureboy, co-founder to find out what all the buzz was about

(NM) – Seems like more and more people are turning to a vegetarian lifestyle. You don’t look like your average vegetarian especially at 56 years young. What inspired you to become a vegetarian and to develop your own protein?

(Natureboy) – My interest in nutrition started at an early age.

I bought my first book when I was 13 called, The Miracles of Juice Fasting, by Paul Bragg. I’ve read numerous books, articles, and have spent years doing research since then on the topic of health and nutrition. I’ve been juicing since I was a teen to the amusement of my friends, hence this is how I developed the name Natureboy. Shortly thereafter, I was introduced to the world of bodybuilding where I competed, and consuming massive amounts of meat and dairy was the staple diet. When my competitive career ended in my early 30’s I still continued to train passionately. But, as I approached my 40’s, my body began feeling toxic, consumed with constant aches and pains, lacking motivation, strength and endurance. It was at this point that I decided to return to a vegetarian lifestyle. After only a short while, I noticed a significant difference.

Somehow I was able to reverse my toxic acidic condition from the years of over consumption of meat and dairy, to a more alkaline sense of wellness. I felt young and vibrant again! Only problem was maintaining my muscle mass while keeping my fat percentages low. After years of extensive research on the best alternative plant based protein sources, Sunwarrior Protein was developed.

(NM): What is Sunwarrior Protein and what makes it so great?

(Natureboy):Sunwarrior Protein is made from raw sprouted whole grain brown rice. We use a unique natural holistic bio-fermentation process that combines the sprouted endosperm and the bran layers resulting in an increase in Lysine and essential and non-essential amino acids. This creates a perfectly balanced amino acid profile comparable to whey and other animal proteins that is easy to digest and assimilate. Its special properties increase muscle size while providing other great health benefits. SunWarior is naturally rich in vitamins and minerals, has high amounts of antioxidants, Tocopherols, Tocotrienols, and other essential nutrients such as Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Phosphorus, Iron and Potassium.

It aids in the absorption of vitamins and nutrients, assists in weight loss, helps maintain the diabetic affects of sugars, has cholesterol lowering properties, and is currently being tested in high blood pressure trials. The benefits really are endless.

To most people’s surprise, just one scoop of the Vanilla contains 70 calories, 4 grams of carbs, and 0 grams of sugar.

I use two scoops in my shakes for a whopping 30 grams of protein. I also want to remind readers that it is the best tasting vegetarian protein on the market, but it does not taste like most whey or egg proteins. We would have to sacrifice the integrity by adding additives and artificial sweeteners.

(NM): Most people would argue that plant based proteins are inferior to animal protein sources. What do you have to say to that?

(Natureboy): In fact most vegetable and rice proteins on the market today use a chemical non-holistic process that produces an unnatural hard to digest protein lacking in essential and non-essential amino acidsespecially Lysine. Furthermore, we know that Soy is hard to digest and has high estrogen levels. Some soy proteins are processed using a dangerous chemical called hexane, a petroleum solvent similar to gasoline.

Our unique process of bio-fermentation creates the first complete hypoallergenic plant based superfood protein made up of all 9 essential and non-essential amino acids in a perfectly balanced amino acid profile. In fact, our comparison by an independent lab test confirms that Sunwarrior is equal or higher in some cases to the amino acid profile of egg, whey, and beef (please refer to the website for amino acid profile comparison charts). Sunwarrior is created with a low temperature natural enzyme process that does not use any chemicals or acid hydrolysis like most proteins. Just one scoop is more potent and absorbable than twice the amount of other non-living animal proteins.

(NM): The price of your protein is higher than most other vegetarian protein powders. How do you justify that?

(Natureboy): Many people think that protein is protein. Not so. You can buy a chemically altered protein for cheap that is low quality, has a low assimilation rate, causes intestinal toxemia and tastes terrible. Or you can buy a natural process high quality protein that has a high absorption rate, is easy to digest, actually good for the body and tastes great. Your choiceYou get what you pay for.

Most bodybuilders take high amounts of protein that is not usable for the body and is actually toxic. After all, it is all about assimilation and absorption. Because Sunwarrior is predigested with bio-fermentation and natural enzymes, it has a 98% to 99% digestion efficiency. That is unheard of for most proteins out there.

(NM): Do I have to be a vegetarian to take it?

(Natureboy): Everyone can take advantage of the benefits of Sunwarrior Protein. Even by substituting one protein meal with a Sunwarrior protein shake you are helping your body transition from an acidic state to a more alkaline one.

Consuming a lot of animal protein and processed foods are taxing on the body and puts it in an acidic state, which leads to all kinds of diseases and ailments.

(NM): Thank you Natureboy for all the great info. Any last minute words?

(Natureboy): If your readers are interested, I would like to come back next month and talk about another rawsome Sunwarrior product, Activated Barley, The Ultimate Slow Burning Carb. A favorite amongst world class athletes and hard training individuals. I also supplement my diet with superfoods that naturally increase testosterone, growth hormone and libido. We can discuss this and much more in the next issue!

Source – http://www.sunwarrior.com/health-secrets/nutrition/51-the-power-of-raw-vega-protein

Sunwarrior Protein – Now in India

Sunwarrior Protein- Premium Source of Health Products – Now in India


What makes Sunwarrior Protein so Awesome?

Most vegetable and rice proteins on the market today use a chemical non-holistic process that makes for a hard to digest un-natural protein, lacking in essential and non-essential amino acids (in particular Lysine). By using a unique natural wholistic bio-fermentation process and by combining the sprouted endosperm and the bran from raw sprouted whole grain brown rice, Sunwarrior has conquered this challenge.

The result of this amazing process is a massive increase in Lysine and essential and non-essential amino acids forming a perfectly balanced amino acid profile.

At 80% pure protein, Sunwarrior has created the highest and first raw complete vegan, hypo-allergenic superfood protein on the market. Not only does it taste superb but it blends exceptionally well and is easy to digest. In fact Sunwarrior protein is so easy to assimilate that it has 98% correlation rate to mother’s milk and a 98.2% digestion efficiency rating making it one of the highest digestibility and efficiency ratings of any other protein source.

More Information on Sunwarrior Protein

  • Made with 80% protein, Sunwarrior has the Highest (non soy) raw (Not Heated over 90 Degrees) whole grain sprouted vegan protein on the market.
  • By using a third generation process, Sunwarrior has created the best tasting vegetable protein on the market that has a silky smooth texture that blends well and tastes great compared with other chalky & grainy vegetable proteins.
  • Sunwarrior uses an old world process of combining the sprouted endosperm and the bran from Raw Sprouted Whole Grain Brown Rice. This unique process creates the first complete hypoallergenic Protein which is made up of all 9 essential amino acids and other non-essential amino acids in a perfectly balanced amino acid profile.
  • Sunwarrior has a 98% Correlation rate to Mothers Milk and a 98.2% digestion efficiency making it one of the highest digestibility and efficiency ratings of any other protein sources (compared to whey and soy).
  • Highest Net Protein Utilization score of any vegetable based protein and the highest ratio of amino acids converted to proteins.
  • Sunwarrior is created with a Low Temperature natural Enzyme process that does not use any chemicals or acid hydrolysis (like most proteins do).
  • Sunwarrior Protein is naturally rich in Vitamins and Minerals and contains high amounts of Antioxidants, Tocopherols, Tocotrienols and other essential nutrients — such as thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, phosphorous, iron and potassium.
  • Using Sunwarrior Increases the efficacy and absorption of vitamins and minerals. There has been a direct correlation between the use of Sunwarrior Protein and the absorption of vitamins.
  • Because Sunwarrior Protein is so digestible it can be easily assimilated by infants, the elderly and adults — The World Health Organization may be using Sunwarrior Protein in the future to feed malnourished individuals because of the hypoallergenic profile and superior absorption that Sunwarrior has been shown to have.
  • There is currently a clinical trial which shows promise that Sunwarrior Protein aids in the absorption of vitamins in Aids patients. There has been a direct correlation between the use of Sunwarrior Protein and the absorption of vitamins in Aids patients where other proteins do not provide such synergistic affects during the intake.
  • Weight Loss – Clinical studies in Japan have shown that by providing Rice Protein as a staple in a diet it can act as a weight control vehicle. This is especially because of superior absorption rates.
  • Cholesterol – Clinical studies have shown promise that Sunwarrior has cholesterol lowering potential and the USDA is currently using Sunwarrior in trials to see if it may help control high blood pressure.
  • Unlike the extraction processes of other proteins, our method of extraction uses neither chemicals nor acid hydrolysis. We only use Organic Enzymes during the process and our process is 100% Organic Compliant.

Nutrition Facts

GoIndiaOrganic team is proud to associate with Sunwarrior, USA representing them for their products in India. Now get Sunwarrior Healthy range of products in India.

GoIndiaOrganic team is based in Delhi but products are dispatched by express courier service once ordered. Get Sunwarrior Protein, Sunwarrior Activated Barley, Sunwarrior Ormus Greens & other products readily available in any city of India be it Delhi, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Chennai, Chandigarh, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Mumbai, Pune, Nagpur, Gujarat, Jhallandhar. Contact us at [email protected] / +91-11-47566727 to enquire about the stock availability of Sunwarrior products